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EdgeCloud June 26 Release Details — Elite Booster Node Q&A
1. Make sure you have the latest Edge Node installed on your PC/Mac
2. Navigate to ELITE BOOSTER
3. 500,000 TFUEL stake (Full Elite Edge Node) is required to be eligible for the Elite Booster program.
If you are not yet eligble, click on STAKE TFUEL to stake your TFUEL. Keep in mind, all staked MUST be coming from the same wallet to meet for the 500,000 TFUEL requirement.
Learn more about staking TFUEL HERE
4. You can lock your TFUEL to earn boosted EdgeCloud rewards from your Elite Edge Node. You will be prompted to lock your TFUEL for 3, 6 or 12 months with each period earning different rewards.
NOTE: Your TFUEL won’t be available for withdrawal, until the period you choose passes.
5. Once you successfully locked your TFUEL and your Edge Node is running, you will be able to see your stats and pending rewards. Pending rewards are updated every 6 hours and will be distributed within the first 5 days of the month.